Amazing Beautiful – Wondrous Uplifting, Lovely, Moving & Mysterious Things … Welcome! : )

Welcome to Uplifting, Lovely, Moving & Mysterious Things

Beauty of (Really) Ordinary Things


Letting go when frustrated…
learning to “tearn” bad into good –

– camera’s heavy, but need the lifting exercise
– can’t find a thing, but when searching, organize
– see horrible pictures, so start caring and doing
– feel bad, so go make julp
– feel better, so become arrogant prig… oops!


Pics attached:

Beauty of Ordinary Things
Sometimes there seems to be such beauty
in the most ordinary things. Perhaps it’s only
a “me” thing. But, the other day, these things
enthralled.. camera may not really capture…

– huggy man drawn in soap – copyrighted – our new logo 😀
– evening outdoor kitchen in Backyard, ignore caption
– morning sun on old blue cup with silverware oh wow



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