Amazing Beautiful – Wondrous Uplifting, Lovely, Moving & Mysterious Things … Welcome! : )

Welcome to Uplifting, Lovely, Moving & Mysterious Things
Today, it is Saturday, May 18, 2024, 5:21 pm. in Southern California.
Welcome! : ) This site was created to provide interesting tidbits and facts that seem especially positive, uplifting, entertaining, interesting, inspirational, or of particular benefit to health and well being. Be sure to check out the numerous articles collection listed in the right column. We're glad you're here and hope you enjoy the content. PLEASE NOTE: This site may have affiliate links that provide us a small commission. We only recommend products and services that we love, and would use ourselves. If you have anything wonderful to share, please tell us about it, here. Thank you! :)

Child Criminals

Child Criminality – What to Do?

What Child Criminals May Need
Unfortunately, what child criminals may need may not be possible; they may need a re-upbringing with totally different parents and environment.

These are lost kids who choose to follow their baser nature, associate with the wrong crowd, and commit crimes against any better judgments they might have.

They have no direction, probably little hope, and have become instinct-driven, desperate, neglected rabbit children running aimlessly in dirty warrens of their own making.

Their parents may have given up, may be too busy, too overwhelmed, too self-centered, too emotionally distressed, too disabled, involved with drugs and bad behaviors, depressed, confused, robotic, self absorbed, ignorant, undisciplined themselves, etc.

And have no idea how to properly raise children. Schools? The bureaucracy is mindboggling. Bureaucratic Salaries, benefits and retirement seem the main objectives.

Whatever… the kids are here, and have to be dealt with.

It seems the grownups can hardly take care of themselves, much less a large number of up and coming hooligans. So dealing with the kids may be beyond the scope of society.

What will happen? Society will decline.

1. License parents to have kids
2. Teach children from infancy about morals, integrity, honesty, decency.
3. Teach children from the start about saying No to their own base desires.
4. Teach children how to raise children, treat children, the responsibilities
5. Insure parents have jobs
6. Dump bureaucratic waste. Tons of money to bureaucrats and their trips/buffets.
7. Dump foster parenthood – instead, create private schools:

Private Schools
1. Clean, comfortable dormitories / rooms with complete, careful supervision
2. Lots of fun activities, full day of classes, sports, exercise.
3. The best, most natural organic food, well prepared and delicious
4. Psychological treatment as many kids are emotionally damaged
5. Separate housing for children who behave agressively
6. Absolute Prohibition of Bullying. None. Zilch. Zero.
7. Complete oversight with lots of pets, learning to raise them, love them.
8. Growing their own gardens, eating their own produce
9. Television with full Discussions afterwards so that children learn
all about the realities of the “entertainment” industry
10. Complete teaching about charity, sharing, honoring, respecting others
11. Firm but loving limits.
12. Every waking moment constant oversight
13. Learning how to become self-sufficient
14. Learning how to work, get along with others, talk to a boss
15. Learning how to deal with stress
16. Learning how to control anger by letting it “wash” over

And, much much more.

The other solution is to simply lock away the kids forever. Which, is cheaper,
easier, more cost efficient.

Do the kids deserve this punishment? Sure… they’ve become uncontrollable

Sadly, most will not receive the help/treatment opportunities they need.

It’s up to us, people over 18… so… what will we do?”


Highest in Anti-Oxidants

A study published in the June, 2004 issue of the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry ranked the following common foods to be extremely rich in naturally occurring antioxidants:

1. Small red beans, dried
2. Wild blueberries
3. Red kidney beans, dried
4. Pinto beans
5. Blueberries, cultivated
6. Cranberries
7. Artichoke hearts, cooked
8. Blackberries
9. Dried prunes
10. Raspberries
11. Strawberries
12. Red delicious apples
13. Granny Smith (green) apples
14. Pecans, raw
15. Sweet cherries
16. Black plums
17. Russet potato, cooked
18. Black beans
19. Red plums
20. Gala apples

According to the same study, the most antioxidant-rich foods in four major food categories are as follows:

* Fruits: blueberries, cranberries, and blackberries.
* Vegetables: beans, artichoke hearts, and russet potatoes.
* Nuts: pecans, walnuts, and hazelnuts.
* Spices: cinnamon, oregano, and ground cloves

“Clearly, there are many foods that are not mentioned here that are also excellent sources of health-promoting antioxidants. The general rule of thumb to follow when looking to identify antioxidant-rich foods is this: plant foods that are rich in color are good sources of antioxidants.

Dark green lettuces, kale, spinach, Asian greens, cabbage, Swiss chard, collard greens, organic green food powders, beet greens, herbs like basil, parsley, mint, and cilantro, red beets, carrots, bell peppers, olives, avocados, acerola cherries, watermelon, cantaloupe, mangos, papayas, goji berries, and turmeric are good examples of bright and colorful plant foods that can infuse your tissues with a wide variety of antioxidants.

Organic egg yolks and organic butter made from milk that is obtained from grass-fed animals are also rich in health-promoting antioxidants.”

Thanks to Mike Adams for the above information! Mike Adams is a Health Ranger. He has definite ideas about our current health and political situations. Here’s his list of Health Tips.

We have our own ideas that may not entirely agree with his list, but perhaps they Do! : ) We believe in buying and consuming natural food rather than purchasing processed supplements, powders, additives, concentrates, nutritives. However, that’s not always possible these days!

->  Eating the most natural, organic foods, veggies
->  Eating modest amounts
->  Eating fresh, raw, home grown food if possible
->  Asking politely considerately for what you need
->  Working diligently, consistently
->  Choosing honesty, kindness, humility
->  Respecting others, loving neighbors, sharing
->  giving with wisdom and discernment
->  Spread good cheer
->  Be uplifting. Can change lives!
->  Praying, more praying

CONFESSION:  We here know we SHOULD do the above,
but it’s hard! As they say… “It ain’t easy.” : )

If it starts with “Don’t,” then time to rephrase it with a “Do.”
We respond to “Please and Do.” We tend to ignore “Don’ts.”


Tina Fey Sarah Palin Video Full Transcript

Tina Fey as Sarah Palin Once Again with Full Transcript Below

With Queen Latifah as Gwen Ifill, Jason Sudeikis as Joe Biden.

Full Transcript of SNL Biden Palin Debate:

Queen Latifah as Gwen Ifill: Good evening, I’m Gwen Ifill… and welcome to Washington University in St. Louis Missouri for the first and only 2008 Vice Presidential Debate between the Republican nominee, Governor Sarah Palin of Alaska, and the Democratic nominee, Joe Biden of Delaware. Let’s welcome the candidates.

Tina Fey as Sarah Palin: Hey, can I call you, “Joe”?

Jason Sudeikis as Joe Biden: Of course.

Tina Fey as Sarah Palin: Okay, ’cause I practiced a couple of zingers where I call you “Joe”!

Jason Sudeikis as Joe Biden: Okay, great!

Queen Latifah as Gwen Ifill: Now, tonight’s discussion will cover a wide range of topics including domestic and foreign policy matters. Each candidate will have ninety seconds to respond to a direct question, and then an additional two minutes for rebuttal and follow-up. As moderator, I will not ask any follow-up questions beyond “Do you agree?” or “Your response?”, so as not to appear biased for Barack Obama in light of my new book… [ she holds up her book ] “The Breakthrough: Politics of Race in the Age of Obama”, coming out on Inauguration day and available for pre-order on And, finally, we would like to remind our audience that, due to the historically low expectations for Governor Palin, were she simply to do an adequate job tonight, and at no point cry, faint, run out of the building or vomit… you should consider the debate a tie. [ Palin nods in agreement ] All right, let’s begin. Senator Biden, how, as Vice President would you work to shrink the gap of polarization that has sprung up in Washington?

Jason Sudeikis as Joe Biden: Well, I would do what I have done my whole career, whether it’s been dealing with violence against women or putting 100,000 police officers in the streets. I would reach across the aisle. Like I’ve done with so many members of the other party. Members like John McCain. Because, look, I LOVE John McCain. He is one of my dearest friends. But, at the same time, he’s also dangerously unbalanced. I mean, let’s be frank, John McCain — and again, this is a man I would take a bullet for — is bad at his job and is mentally unstable. As my mother would say, “God love him, but he’s a raging maniac…” and a dear, dear friend.

Queen Latifah as Gwen Ifill: Governor Palin. How will your administration deal with the current financial crisis?

Tina Fey as Sarah Palin: Well, first of all, let me say how nice it is to meet Joe Biden! And, may I say, up close your hair plugs don’t look nearly as bad as everyone says! You know, John McCain and I, we’re a couple of mavericks. And, gosh darnit, we’re gonna take that maverick energy right to Washington and we’re gonna use it to fix this financial crisis and everything else that’s plaguin’ this great country of ours!

Queen Latifah as Gwen Ifill: How will you solve the financial crisis by being a maverick?

Tina Fey as Sarah Palin: You know, we’re gonna take every aspect of the crisis and look at it and then we’re gonna ask ourselves, “What would a maverick do in this situation?” And then, you know, we’ll do that! (Here, Tina Fey winks)

Queen Latifah as Gwen Ifill: Senator Biden, how would your administration address the current financial crisis?

Jason Sudeikis as Joe Biden: Barack Obama and I understand that we need to regulate Wall Street. John McCain voted against Wall Street regulation 41 times. Let me repeat that. 41 times! And, again, this is a man I love. If I had to spend the rest of my life on a desert island with only ONE other person it would be John McCain — no doubt about it. I mean, you should see the way my face lights up when he walks into a room. But the fact is, John McCain has voted with George Bush 90% of the time, let me say that again: time.

Queen Latifah as Gwen Ifill: Governor Palin, would you like to respond to Senator Biden’s comments about Senator McCain?

Tina Fey as Sarah Palin: No thank you, but I would like to talk about bein’ an outsider. You see, while Senator Biden has been in Washington all these years, I’ve been with regular people. Hockey moms and Joe Six-packs, and I’d also like to give a shout out to the third graders of Gladys Woods Elementary who were so helpful to me in my debate prep. Also, too, you see, I think a bit differently from an insider. I don’t think it’s patriotic to pay more taxes. I don’t think it’s patriotic to criticize these wars we got goin’ on. I do think it’s patriotic to tell the government, “Hey, get outta my way! Stop tryin’ to impose on my right to shoot wolves from a helicopter!” But a Washington insider like Joe Biden probably disagrees.

Jason Sudeikis as Joe Biden: You know I get a little tired of being told I’m an insider. I come from Scranton, Pennsylvania! And that’s as hard-scrabble a place as you’re gonna find. I’ll show you around some time and you’ll see. It’s a hellhole! An absolute jerkwater of a town! You couldn’t stand to spend a weekend there. It is just an awful, awful sad place filled with sad, desperate people with no ambition! Nobody, and I mean nobody, but me, has ever come out of that place! It’s a genetic cesspool! So don’t be telling me that I’m part of the Washington elite, because I come from the absolute WORST place on Earth: Scranton, Pennsylvania! And Wilmington, Delaware is not much better.

Queen Latifah as Gwen Ifill: Senator Palin, address your position on global warming and whether you think it’s man-made or not.

Tina Fey as Sarah Palin: Gwen, we don’t know if this climate change hoozie-what’s-it is man-made or if it’s just a natural part of the “End of Days”. But… I’m not gonna talk about that, I would like to talk about taxes, because, with Barack Obama, you’re gonna be paying higher taxes. But not with me and my fellow maverick. We are not afraid to get maverick-y in there and ruffle feathers and not got to allow that. And ,also, too, the great Ronald Reagan. [ she nods proudly for the reference ]

Queen Latifah as Gwen Ifill: The next question is for you, Senator Biden. Do you support, as they do in Alaska, granting same-sex benefits to couples?

Jason Sudeikis as Joe Biden: I do. In an Obama-Biden administration, same-sex couples would be guaranteed the same property rights, rights to insurance, and rights of ownership as heterosexual couples. There will be NO distinction. I repeat, NO distinction.

Queen Latifah as Gwen Ifill: So, to clarify, do you support gay marriage, Senator Biden?

Jason Sudeikis as Joe Biden: Absolutely not! But I do think they should be allowed to visit one another in the hospital. And, in a lot of ways, that’s just as good, if not better.

Queen Latifah as Gwen Ifill: Governor Palin, would you extend same-sex rights to the entire country?

Tina Fey as Sarah Palin: You know, I would be afraid of where that would lead. I believe marriage is meant to be a sacred institution between two unwilling teenagers. But don’t think I don’t tolerate gay people. Because I do. I tolerate them with all my heart. And I know quite a few, too. Not personally. But I know of them. I’ve seen “Ellen”. Oh! And there was this one girl on my college basketball team. She wasn’t officially “a gay”, but, you know, we were pretty sure.

Queen Latifah as Gwen Ifill: Governor Palin, what is your position on Healthcare regulation?

Tina Fey as Sarah Palin: I’m gonna ignore that question and instead talk about Israel. I love Israel so much. Bless its heart. There’s a special place for Israel in heaven. And I know some people are going to say that I’m only saying that to pander to Florida voters, but, from a very young age, my two greatest loves were always Jews and Cuban food.

Queen Latifah as Gwen Ifill: I would now like to give each of you a chance to make a closing statement.

Tina Fey as Sarah Palin: Are we not doing the talent portion? (plays a tune on the flute, winks, smiles)

Queen Latifah as Gwen Ifill: Senator Biden, your closing statement?

Jason Sudeikis as Joe Biden: My goal tonight was a simple one. To come up here and at no point seem like a condescending, egomaniacal bully. And I’m gonna be honest, I think I nailed it. Sure there were moments when I wanted to say, “Hey, this lady is a dummy!” But I didn’t! Because Joe Biden is better than that. I repeat: Joe Biden… [ he acknowledges himself ] is better… than that. [ he points to Palin, who waves ] So to all of the pundits who said I would seem cocky or arrogant… you dopes got schooled, Biden-style!

Queen Latifah as Gwen Ifill: Governor Palin?

Tina Fey as Sarah Palin: I liked being here tonight, answering these tough questions without the filter of the mainstream gotcha media with their “follow-up questions”, “fact-checking”, or “incessant need to figure out what your words mean and why ya put them in that order”. I’m, uh — I’m happy to be speaking directly to the American people to let them know if you want an outsider who doesn’t like politics as usual or pronouncin’ the “g” and the end of the words she’s sayin’ I think you know who to vote for. Oh, and for those Joe Six-packs out there playing a drinking game at home — Maverick. [ she mimes popping a beer can pull tab, throws one back, and smiles ]

Queen Latifah as Gwen Ifill: Well, this concludes tonight’s debate. The book drops November 4th, and, “Live from New York, it’s Saturday Night!”


How to Make Money (fun)

 How to Make Money Now That The Economy’s Crapped the Bed's Winners of How to Make Money Contest What a funny group of contest winners –
the top winning picture is both very funny,
and very very sad… Oh what a delight
when some people put their metal to the
pedal. Click on image to visit their site:
Note: The actual winning picture was of
animals being saved from a flood – phew! : )


Cute Video Animal Abuse

Catchy Video that Features Cute Song and Animal Abuse… Huh?  

Love the music… Another delightful song and dance video.
Free Range Studios amazes once again with their fun Web
abilities… they manage to join catchy fun music and video
with bit of serious topic. Thanks FRS for your greatness.
Note: Their Great Link Here: Free Range Studios
The Humane Society is culpable for this, too.
Check out Wayne Purcelle, CEO – he’s hot~:D
