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13 Things Your Waiter Won’t Tell You

Interesting Eating-Out Information –

1. Avoid eating out on holidays and Saturday nights. The volume of customers guarantees that most kitchens will be pushed beyond their ability to produce a high-quality meal.

2. There are almost never any sick days in the restaurant business. A busboy with a child to support isn’t going to stay home and miss out on $100 because he’s got strep throat.

3. When customers make personal attacks, adulterating food or drink is a convenient way for servers to exact covert vengeance. Waiters can and do spit in people’s food.

4. Never say “I’m friends with the owner.” Restaurant owners don’t have friends. This marks you as a clueless poseur the moment you walk in the door.

5. Treat others as you want to be treated.

6. Don’t snap your fingers to get attention.

7. Don’t order meals that aren’t on the menu. You’re forcing the chef to cook something he doesn’t make on a regular basis, and it won’t be as good.

8. Splitting entrées is okay, but don’t ask for water, lemon, and sugar so you can make your own lemonade.

9. If you find a waiter you like, always ask to be seated in his or her section. Tell all your friends so they’ll start asking for that server as well. The server will be grateful and take good care of you.

10. If you can’t afford to leave a tip, you can’t afford to eat in the restaurant.

11. Always examine the check. Sometimes large parties are unaware that a gratuity has been added to the bill, so they tip on top of it. Waiters “facilitate” this error.

12. If you want to hang out, that’s fine. But increase the tip to make up for money the server would have made if he or she had had another seating at that table.

13. Never, ever come in 15 minutes before closing time. While you’re chitchatting over salads, your entrées will be languishing under the heat lamp while the dishwasher is spraying industrial-strength, carcinogenic cleaning solvents in their immediate vicinity.

We’ve known that going out to eat often leads to mild food poisoning. Considering that many workers don’t necessarily wash carefully after you-know-whatting.

Now, any time someone tells me they have the “flu,” (throwing up, feeling sick, dia***hea), am more likely to suspect food poisoning than anything else. ESPECIALLY if they just ate out, which most likely they usually did.

That said, many people have a great deal of stomach acid which kills a lot of things. And tons of folks eat out all the time and seem to be doing fine.

Also, they say, when eating Sushi, a little alcohol helps prevent food “issues.” Of course these days, Sushi fish is frozen a good long while to kill pathogens and parasites.

Our bodies are quite strong, and can take a little sputum and pus… after all, it’s in every burger!

That said, we seldom go out to eat anymore. If ever!

13 points from 

Thanks to Reader’s Digest.


Cooked Food is Dead Food

Thanks to : )

So What’s the Problem with “Dead Food?”
Dead food is devoid of natural enzymes and other living factors that boost bioavailability of nutrients and enhance nutrition. Living foods are known by every past culture to even have medicinal qualities. As Hippocrates, the most famous physician of all known times said, “Let food be your medicine, and let your medicine be food.”

Cooked Food is Dead Food - Living Food Can Be Absolutely Delicious Food : )Animals and Dead Food
Animals that have been fed strictly “dead” foods are much more likely to come down with illness and disease at an earlier age than animals fed a natural, raw food diet. Cats fed raw meat recovered from illness while others with similar illness did not fare so well when fed cooked, or dead food.

Over 35?
Most healthy people can eat cooked foods with little problem. But, after the age of 35, raw foods can really be a boon to help stay younger and healthier longer, especially is they adhere to the “less is best” philosophy.

Nevertheless, those younger than 35, eating raw foods can reap tremendous rewards and benefits to their future health and constitution. However, it’s very hard to resist all the processed and fast foods that tempt with addictive and tasty spices and additives.

If you can increase your consumption of “living foods,” you will be doing yourself a big favor. And, if you can eat salads, you CAN eat raw or living foods.

Hints, Tips and Tricks
Here are some hints, tips and tricks to aid in successfully integrating Living Foods into the diet. This will help you ease through the transition more comfortably.

1. Chew thoroughly. This will help aid in the digestion of all those nice plant fibers and help prevent indigestion.

2. Juice or Blend. This way, you get to drink something absolutely delicious while getting a nice selection of raw goodies without all that chewing.

There’s a natural tendency for many people to chew quickly and eat on the go. With cooked foods, this is more easily accomplished.

However with raw foods, this does not work the same. It is not necessarily good for your digestion to swallow raw foods whole or partially chewed. Therefore, juicing or blending, especially in the beginning, can really help chew for you in the beginning. Children especially love blended raw juicy smoothies, shakes drinks.

3. Buy Organic and Local. Organic fruits, vegetables and grains are used by the finest gourmet restaurants in the world. Why? Because they taste absolutely delicious when compared with their factory farmed counterparts.

So why shouldn’t you reap the rewards of the superior taste and nutrition of organic? The richest people on Earth eat it. And so should you. The better it tastes, the more you’ll eat. Raw, that is. : )

Another factor to consider regarding “organic” is that today’s ordinary factory farmed grocery fruits and vegetables may be beautiful to look at, but devoid of the magnificent flavors and nutrition inherent in their heirloom predecessors of long ago.

Naturally farmed fruits and vegetables using natural compost and healthy manure from hormone free and organically fed animals is MUCH more likely to contain valuable and vital nutrition in higher quantities.

4. If Necessary, Start Gradually. A nice, gradual start and introduction to Living Foods will help you acclimate to the new flavors and consistency of living foods. Feel free to mix living and “dead” foods so that you become acclimated to “raw” over a period of time.

If you are adventurous, you can start with raw juice fasting. However, this normally seems to work best when one is driven by other motivations such as poor health or sports competition. It takes considerable will power and knowledge to adhere to juice fasting.

5. Don’t Give Up! As you eat more and more living, raw foods, your mood and health will change for the better. It will become easier and easier. And soon, you’ll be craving delicious salads and raw goodies because they taste fantastic, look beautiful and become increasinly delicious to your fresh, clean tastebuds. And, your body will love you for it.

Did you know that spinach, collard greens, English peas, green beans, lentils, beans, seeds and nuts, grain germs and a few other vegetables contain all 8 of the necessary amino acids (protein) that the human body needs?

A wisely planned vegetarian diet can provide all the necessary nutrients to sustain a beautiful and healthy life.

Some say that vegetarians can suffer from Vitamin B12 deficiencies. If this is your case, you can take a sublingual form of B12 to supplement your diet.

However, this does not occur in all cases. Many vegetarians have perfectly adequate amounts of B12.

Organic vegetables may contain the beneficial bacteria that help provide B12 in the gut. Some vegetarians will eat eggs or raw dairy products to supplement.

Consider the Manatee
An interesting animal is the manatee. These very large and lovable sea mammals can live very healthily and successfully on specially grown romaine lettuce, (no chemicals or preservatives allowed!) cabbage, greenleaf, iceberg lettuce and spinach. For treats, they get occasional grapes, apples, carrots and sweet potatoes.

Who doesn’t like sweet? : )

In the wild, they strictly live on ocean greenery.

They grow to be quite massive and derive all their protein, vitamins and minerals from their vegetarian diet. Living plants are chock full of the highest quality vitamins, minerals, protein, fiber and valuable enzymes.

Be like a Manatee… Beautiful, Happy, Well Nourished, Healthy, Loving and Strong with Living Foods. : )



RAW JUICING – Raw Organic Dark Green Leafy Juice and Juicing

(Regular Glycemic) 

(Adapted from Dan McDonald (LifeRegenerator) & friend Dave – I will add Romaine Lettuce, apple, carrots, green beans, English peas, beets (gold or red), leeks, scallions, shallots, sprouts, grasses, low acid fruits, sometimes fresh or frozen mango) 

Approximately $7.75 per day or $3.40 per day if you want  to split your juice for 2 days. This can actually last me 2 days.

First of all, yes – this is hard work and can be somewhat expensive and time consuming.  Actually, this way of life is SAVING me money. Huge amounts…

You might also want to adding sprouts (avoid buckwheat sprouts as they contain a mild toxin), garlic, non-acidic fruit such as peaches or pears, grasses,  watercress, or any other green leafy vegetable. Make sure to use organics if they are available.

If not, it has been advised to rinse your veggies in a solution of raw apple cider vinegar and water. (1 tablespoon per gallon). Feel free to leave out whatever you wish as not everything is available. I have an old Green Juicer.

I LOVE it as it slowly and gently grinds the greens and presses to almost nothing. If you use a blender, you can use a well washed paint straining or cheese cloth to squeeze out the juice.) Of course it’s 

Cut or Shred the Following ORGANIC vegetables to Fit Into Your Juicer or Blender. Vary ingredients according to Availability and Taste. 

Ingredients  Cost (Organic)
1 Apple 0.40
2 – 3 Carrots 0.40
1/2 Head Romaine Lettuce 0.75
1 Hand Full of Spinach 0.25
3 Leaves Red or Rainbow Swiss Chard 0.35
3 Large or 5 small Collard Leaves  0.35
3 Square Inches Red or Green Cabbage  0.25
1-3 leaves Beet Greens  0.00
2 Pieces Beet (3/4 inch cubes)  0.50
3 Stalks Baby Bok Choy  0.35
3 Finger Pinch Italian Parsley  0.20
3 Finger Pinch Cilantro  0.30
3 Inches of Small Leeks  0.20
Small Piece of Shallot 0.30
2 Small or One Large Scallion  0.35
3 Small Leaves Dinosaur Kale or 0.20
1 Leaf Large Regular Kale  0.00
3 Small Pieces Broccoli  0.25
1/4 Sweet Red / Orange / Yellow Pepper 0.60
3 Pieces of Cucumber (To Your Taste) 0.50
2 Stalks of Celery  0.25
1/2 – 1 Tomato  1.00

To Save on Costs 
• Use Farmers’ Markets
• Grow Your Own Lettuces, Tomatoes and Greens (Easy to Container Garden! : )
• Use heirloom Seeds and allow the best plants to go to seed
• Have your friends and family garden 
• Beg or borrow organic veggies 
• Work online for extra income – I hope to have steps, hints and tips soon – it IS possible if done right. 

Many people have extraordinary results with Raw Organic Juicing. It can be a profound experience with unforeseen benefits. Truth in action. 



HOW TO Free Trade

Let’s Free Trade
Nice, easy video instructions on how to get the good goods

Some very nice Free Trade Lists and Links

Member Directory of Fair Trade Companies 

Downloadable PDF

Great List – Official Certifier

Another Great Link – World Fair Trade Org

Over 130 artisan groups, over 38 countries 

: )


Monsanto is… NAUGHTY

Watch this and decide for yourself… :O



VIM – Very Important Movie


Just saw at the theater. One of the best docu-drama-stories-movie ever. The reason is because it was able to take a boring subject and still captivate our ENTIRE interest. It REALLY got under my skin, plus my brother’s skin (almost impossible) and was able to STOP US in our tracks.

We have changed our eating habits, our way of life.

We stopped at the grocery store after we saw the movie. It was amazing – huge rows upon rows of brightly colored packages of pretty much, NOTHING. We looked at the ingredients – corn this, corn that. Corn syrup, solids, liquid, seasoning, powder, starch, di this di that, mono this mono that. EVERYTHING was FAKE.

The fish counter was especially sad. Small print everywhere: farm raised from some exotic locale like Thailand, China or Chile… And the selection was paltry. Mostly tilapia or shrimp in "butter," bbq sauce, peppers or breaded…

Wikipedia just read: "Tilapiines are also among the easiest and most profitable fish to farm…"

Well that figures. Fish is probably high in mercury anyway.

As for the fruits and vegetables, they were probably just ok… but we wanted organic rather than the big beautiful tasteless flavorless stuff.

Food Food EVERYWHERE but not a bite to eat. Not a bite of down home REAL food, that is. Best bet: Starbucks coffee and a pastry. Wow – are they filled with corn syrup solids?

This movie featured a family eating the dollar menu at McDonalds. Cheap food, filling, but the Dad takes SO much medication. Nice family… really sad.

There’s was a farmer in Nebraska or somewhere in this movie who amazed me. He looked really healthy, and he raised his own animals and prepared them for purchase that people drove 100s of miles to come buy. The animals were so well treated, fed pure wholesome food, and he probably has his own garden.

He was like, a hero.

Then there was a sweet older man who cleaned seed. How natural, normal and wonderful with his amazing old and WELL BUILT cleaning machine. THOSE must have been the days – when stuff WORKED FOREVER if you took care of it.

What happened to us? To this country? USA?

As for Monsanto – beating up this guy to a pulp using the legal system – beating up ALL the good, traditional farmers who didn’t want to buy Monsanto’s genetically modified seed year after year.

WELL I’LL BET Monsanto lawyers and executives DON’T feed their families crud-burgers and fries.

They probably buy the best at restaurants that serve organics because Organic tastes best.

And their wives probably feed the kids really healthy good stuff…

I could be wrong about this… maybe Monsanto Cargill folks eat what they create. Chem-burgers from terribly sad steers and cloned veggies and fruits sprayed to hog heaven with pesticides and additives.

I told my friends – all the good people – "go see this movie and change your ways." All the bad people – "go to the fast food restaurant and have a burger or two, double the cheese, double the fries and lots of soda. mmmmm."

I jest… or do i?

In summary – this movie is perhaps, pivotal. In a huge huge way. It’s shocking how they were able to reveal the truths some want to hide at almost murderous cost.

It can be heartbreaking when you see good good salt of the earth people just beaten all to smithereens by glossy corporate suits.

Let’s all bow down to the almighty bottom line… the almighty dollar.

The irony is this: You destroy your competition and become super powerful and rich. Then what? You buy a luxury home and yacht and go shop at the grocery store for twinkies and dingdongs?

You eat mercury fish? tasteless beef that needs gallons of BBQ sauce and burnt fat just to taste good?

I don’t think so. Things are all topsy turvy.

Dear Monsanto, stop trying to own the world and destroy every vestige of honest independence and goodness. Stop trying to dominate, control, and probably RUIN my world.

When people raise animals with kindness and care, feeding them wholesome REAL food they need, killing them quickly and painlessly, and able to use natural waste to fertilize and grow delicious fruits, vegetables and grains, life can be incredibly wonderful.

Your company is trying to own everything and everybody. Yes, every BODY.

In the end, if you get your way, soylent green and tortured animals will be all we have.

After all, we’ve already lost 90% of good ocean fish.

This movie inspired me… to write WAY too much… Anyway, good people, GO SEE. And bad people, GO SEE.

And then, go see the movie "HOME."

It’s also incredible, and impossibly beautiful as well.


FISH FARMS – Toxic Warning

Evidently, a huge proportion of restaurant fish served in the United States and elsewhere come from Chile where tons of forbidden toxic chemicals are used on the fish in Chilean fish farms. Do these create a health hazard leading to increased cancer rates and other disease susceptibility? This may serve as a warning to be concerned about fish importation and consumption.

Short Clip by Jacques Michel Cousteau
The Full Movie by Jacques Michel Cousteau

Thanks to Dr. Mercola for bring this to our attention



Great Food Movie

Well, maybe not so yay. This movie is about where our food comes from and who controls it.

Now this movie, called “Food Inc,” looks beautiful, eloquent and farickadoodle interesting… (how did they get away with filming this thing? Stunning) But, all that aside, who really controls the food? Let’s guess… this is a hard one… hold on… Howzbout, say, a few multinational corporations?

But of course. So what? Really… what does this mean for you and me, if anything?

Well, if you are very rich, not much. You will be able to buy organic fresh fruits, veggies and natural meat, while the rest of the pleebs will have to live on Bankonit TV GMO dinners and canned fricassee of genetically modded corn-soy-fat-sugar-salt-msg stew. Yum.

Hey! Add fat, sugar, salt, msg, some enticing chemical flavorings, anything tastes good!

Just between u and me… i wanna be RICH….

Movie Trailer: (proof, man!)

Yes, will definitely go see this movie. Will learn who rules the world, and where should go to make obeisance to. Can u imagine? Hip hopping down to the local Monsantoe CarlyGroup and bowing three times. It will be like a new religion. They throw me some Soylentils, I give them all my money. Fair trade.

If they provide me a remote, a cozy slavish labor camp, some wine, beer, spirits, life will be peachy.

Hey! What’s a peach?

Disclaimer: Cdin Org and disavows all knowledge of who this poster is. We do NOT necessarily agree with anything on this website, period, end of story. Also, to those in power, we Heart Hotpockets. Specially the lo-calorie ones. : )


Lobster Crab Pain

Rare blue Maine lobster at home within his own little grotto. Around one in two million lobsters is blue.

Shucks! 4:53 PM 3/27/2009

An official study by scientists, Dr. Robert Elwood, professor at the School of Biological Sciences at The Queen’s University in Belfast, and colleague Mirjam Appel studied hermit crabs collected from rock pools in County Down, Northern Ireland. confirms that that Lobsters and Crabs, (yes, those delicious fellows) DO feel pain and suffering after all.

Arguments to Support Their Findings
According to the scientists, “Crustaceans possess “a suitable central nervous system and receptors.” They learn to avoid a negative stimulus after a potentially painful experience. They also engage in protective reactions, such as limping and rubbing, after being hurt.

Physiological changes, including release of adrenal-like hormones, also occur when pain or stress is suspected. And the animals make future decisions based on past likely painful events.

If crabs are given medicine — anesthetics or analgesics — they appear to feel relieved, showing fewer responses to negative stimuli. And finally, the researchers wrote, crustaceans possess “high cognitive ability and sentience.”

Originating Article:
“The findings add to a growing body of evidence that virtually all animals, including fish, shellfish and insects, can suffer… “…

Best Way to Cook Lobster, Crab, Crayfish

1. Kill quickly and painlessly by inserting icepick or sharp knifepoint into head behind their eyes. Cook immediately. (Toxin will NOT form -false rumor)

3. If you MUST boil them alive, (they will suffer agonizingly till dead) bring water to full boil. Plunge lobster or crab head first into water. REVISION: It turns out that they survive far longer in the boiling water than initially thought. Kill first.

NEVER put shellfish into cold water and bring to boil. They will flail and desperately attempt to escape from the tremendous pain.

Notes About Lobsters
• Did you know that older lobsters will lead younger lobsters around by the claw to lead them? Yes, it’s true…

• Like humans, lobsters have a long childhood and an awkward adolescence.

• Lobsters carry their young for nine months and can live to be over 100 years old.

• Like dolphins and many other animals, lobsters use complicated signals to explore their surroundings and establish social relationships.

• Lobsters also take long-distance seasonal journeys and can cover 100 miles or more each year (the equivalent of a human walking from Maine to Florida) — assuming that they manage to avoid the millions of traps set along the coasts.

Lobsters may even feel more pain than we would in similar situations. One popular food magazine recently suggested cutting live lobsters in half before tossing them on the grill (a recipe that’s “not for the squeamish,” the magazine warned), and more than one chef has been known to slice and dice lobsters before cooking them. But, says invertebrate zoologist Jaren G. Horsley, “The lobster does not have an autonomic nervous system that puts it into a state of shock when it is harmed. It probably feels itself being cut. … I think the lobster is in a great deal of pain from being cut open … [and] feels all the pain until its nervous system is destroyed” during cooking.

“Don’t heat up the water just yet, though. Anyone who has ever boiled a lobster alive can attest to the fact that when dropped into scalding water, lobsters whip their bodies wildly and scrape the sides of the pot in a desperate attempt to escape. In the journal Science, researcher Gordon Gunter described this method of killing lobsters as “unnecessary torture.” ”

Why Lobster and Shellfish May Be Dangerous for Your Health

Like the flesh of other animals, lobster flesh is loaded with excessive protein and cholesterol. A 6- to 8-ounce serving of lobster flesh contains 120 to 180 ml of cholesterol—comparable to an average serving of tenderloin.

Fish and shellfish often accumulate extremely high levels of toxins in their flesh (as much as 9 million times that of the water in which they live) such as PCB’s, dioxins, mercury, lead, and arsenic, which can cause health problems ranging from kidney damage and impaired mental development to cancer and even death.

Lobster livers, or “tomalley,” which some people consider a “delicacy,” can be especially dangerous. The high doses of toxins concentrated in the livers can cause paralytic shellfish poisoning.

Symptoms range from numbness in the lips to dizziness, nausea, impaired breathing, and choking. Seafood consumption is also the number one cause of food-borne illness: It has been claimed that eating lobsters and other sea animals is like playing Russian roulette with your health.

Another Norwegian government report stated that Lobsters do not feel pain. However, as fishing is a main industry in Norway, many discount the report as “biased.”

Truth be known, almost all living creatures were bestowed the ability to enjoy pleasure and feel pain. Whether we intend to recognize and acknowledge this when it doesn’t suit our preferences, is another story.

We wish that all food animals would be well cared for, fed good, healthy natural food, be allowed to live contented and comfortable lives, and at the end, killed quickly and painlessly without suffering.

Don’t Mistake Seafood for Health Food
From the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine’s Web site.

(Purported to be delicious)

Adapted from a recipe courtesy of Philadelphia’s Singapore restaurant

For the “Lobster”:

4 medium potatoes
1 7 oz. can corn kernels
1/2 cup green peas
12 oz. Worthington Foods vegetarian “Skallops” or seitan
1 tsp. minced parsley
1/2 tsp. salt
1/2 tsp. sugar
Dash of pepper
1 cup flour
1 cup cornstarch
1 Tbsp. soy sauce

For the batter:
3 cups self-rising flour
2 cups water

Oil for deep-frying

Peel and thinly slice the potatoes, and steam until soft. Add the remaining ingredients (except those for the batter) to the potatoes and mash. Divide into 10 equal portions. Mold the portions into chunks and dust with a little cornstarch.

For the batter, mix together the flour and water. Coat each “lobster” chunk with batter.

Heat the oil to 300°F in a deep-fryer. Add the mock lobster chunks and fry them until they are golden in color. Drain on paper towels.

For a tasty dip, mix together barbecue sauce with a little hot mustard.

Makes 10 mock lobster chunks.

“New York’s May Wah Healthy Vegetarian Food, which offers everything from mock lobster to faux crab roll and shrimp (and also sells faux chicken, beef, and ham). These “fab fakes” taste just like the real thing. You can order online. For info, visit: “



Truth About Red Meat

Here’s a tasty steak. Is it good for you? This study may have some answers for you.

Okay. Here’s the latest skinny about eating red meat and processed meats and how it affects your risk of dying from cancer and/or heart disease. Cheery!

Below, you will find a rather comprehensive article about the newest research on this joyous topic conducted via the National Cancer Institute (not a particularly rinkydink organization).

The Not So Good News
You have at least a 20% to 50% higher risk of cancer or heart disease if you eat the equivalent of a red meat quarter pound hamburger per day. (We’re not talking about soyburgers, folks.)

Of course, there are always those who believe it’s not worth living anyway unless they can chow down on a steak a day, anyhoos. So be it.

The Not So Bad News
Processed meats were slightly less likely than the red stuff to increase your risk of dying from cancer or heart attack. Oscar Meyer should be relieved and proud.

Must be all those helpful preservatives, organ meats and veggie fillers. Right? : )

The research did not include those who were vegetarians. That would be another interesting study. 

For some unknown reason, it would probably just so happen to be that a diet of veggies only might have even lower rates of dying from cancer and heart disease than eating meat.


Because nobody said life is fair! : )

SUMMARY: Red and processed meat intakes were associated with moderate increases in total mortality, cancer mortality, and cardiovascular disease mortality.

High intakes of red or processed meat may increase the risk of mortality. The objective was to determine the relations of red, white, and processed meat intakes to risk for total and cause-specific mortality among
The researchers followed  more than 545,000 people who were AARP members, aged 50 to 71 years old, for 10 years. Over 70,000 people died during that period of time.

Study subjects were recruited from AARP members, a group that’s healthier than other similarly aged Americans. That means the findings may not apply to all groups, Sinha said. The study relied on people’s memory of what they ate, which can be faulty.

Men and women in the highest vs lowest 20% of red and processed meat intakes had elevated risks for overall mortality. Regarding cause-specific mortality, men and women had elevated risks for cancer mortality for red and processed meat intakes.

Furthermore, cardiovascular disease risk was elevated for men and women in the highest 20% of red and processed meat  intakes. When comparing the highest with the lowest 20% of white meat intake, there was an inverse association for total mortality and cancer mortality, as well as all other deaths for both men and women.

In the final analysis, results took into account factors such as smoking, family history of cancer and body weight.

Conclusion: Red and processed meat intakes were associated with modest increases in total mortality, cancer mortality, and cardiovascular disease mortality.

Rashmi Sinha is an investigator in the Nutrition Epidemiology Branch, Division of Cancer Epidemiology and Genetics, at the National Cancer Institute. Research interests include the role of meat, heterocyclic aromatic amines, and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in cancer etiology, as well as the interaction of genetic susceptibility and nutrition in cancer. Other interests include vitamins A, C and E and cancer, DDT and breast cancer, and development of biomarkers of diet. Sinha’s honors include the National Institute of Health Award of Merit and the Technology Transfer Award. Sinha is associate editor of the journal Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers and Prevention, is a reviewer for numerous journals, and has served on a variety of professional committees and boards.

In other words, eating around a quarter pound of red meat daily had a 22 percent higher risk of dying from cancer and a 27 percent higher rate of dying from heart disease than those who ate less than 5 ounces of red meat per week.

Women had a 20 percent higher risk of dying from cancer and 50 percent higher risk of dying from heart disease than those women who ate small amounts.

As for processed meats, the rates of dying from cancer and heart disease were only slightly lower than red meat.

The lowest rates of increased death due to cancer and heart disease were among those who ate white meat and fish.

“11 percent of deaths in men and 16 percent of deaths in women could have been prevented if they had decreased their meat consumption to the equivalent of a quarter of a small hamburger a day. The chance of men dying of cardiovascular disease would have decreased 11 percent – and 21 percent for women.”

Additional Meat Consumption Information:
Diets containing substantial amounts of red or preserved meats may increase the risk of various cancers. This association may be due to a combination of factors, such as content of fat, protein, and iron, and/or meat preparation (e.g. cooking or preserving methods).

Laboratory results have shown that meats cooked at high temperatures contain heterocyclic amines (HCAs) and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), which are mutagenic and carcinogenic in animals. To investigate the role of these compounds we have created separate databases for mutagenic activity,

HCAs, and PAHs, which we have used in conjunction with a validated meat-cooking food frequency questionnaire (FFQ). The role of meat type, cooking methods, doneness levels, and meat-cooking mutagens has been examined in both case-control studies and prospective cohort studies.

The results from these studies are mixed for different sub-types of meat, cooking methods, and doneness levels, as well as for estimated intakes of mutagenic activity, HCA, and PAHs.

An additional role of red meat in colon cancer could be through the contribution to N-nitroso compound (NOC) exposure.

Humans can be exposed to NOCs by exogenous (produced outside the body ) routes (from processed meats in particular) and by endogenous (produced within the body) routes.

Endogenous exposure to NOCs has been shown to be dose-dependently related to the amount of red meat in the diet. Recent work suggests that heme iron in red meat may explain the high levels of endogenous NOC, levels equivalent to those found in cigarette smoke.


First Study:

A 124-item food frequency questionnaire ( ) was completed at baseline.

The food frequency questionnaire collected information on the usual consumption of foods and drinks and portion sizes over the last 12 months.

The validity of the food frequency questionnaire was estimated using two 24-hour recalls,8 and the estimated energy-adjusted correlations ranged from 0.36 to 0.76 for various nutrients and attenuation factors ranged from 0.24 to 0.68.

Red meat intake was calculated using the frequency of consumption and portion size information of all types of beef and pork and included bacon, beef, cold cuts, ham, hamburger, hotdogs, liver, pork, sausage, steak, and meats in foods such as pizza, chili, lasagna, and stew.

White meat included chicken, turkey, and fish and included poultry cold cuts, chicken mixtures, canned tuna, and low-fat sausages and low-fat hotdogs made from poultry.

Processed meat included bacon, red meat sausage, poultry sausage, luncheon meats (red and white meat), cold cuts (red and white meat), ham, regular hotdogs and low-fat hotdogs made from poultry.

The components constituting red or white and processed meats can overlap because both can include meats such as bacon, sausage, and ham, while processed meat can also included smoked turkey and chicken.

During 10 years of follow-up, there were 47,976 male deaths and 23,276 female deaths.

In general, those in the highest quintile of red meat intake tended to consume a slightly lower amount of white meat but a higher amount of processed meat compared with those in the lowest 20%.

Subjects who consumed more red meat tended to be married, more likely of non-Hispanic white ethnicity, more likely a current smoker, have a higher body mass index, and have a higher daily intake of energy, total fat, and saturated fat, and they tended to have lower education and physical activity levels and lower fruit, vegetable, fiber, and vitamin supplement intakes.


Eating More Red And Processed Meats Linked To Greater Risk For Bowel And Lung Cancer, Findings Suggest (Dec. 11, 2007) — New findings provide evidence that people who eat a lot of red and processed meats have greater risk of developing bowel and lung cancer than people who eat small quantities. The research by Amanda …  > read more
Red Meat Linked To Breast Cancer (Apr. 8, 2007) — Eating red meat increases a woman’s chance of developing breast cancer, according to new research from the University of …  > read more
Long-term High Consumption Of Red And Processed Meat Linked With Increased Risk For Colon Cancer (Jan. 13, 2005) — High consumption of red and processed meat over a long period of time is associated with an increased risk for a certain type of colon cancer, according to a study in the January 12 issue of …  > read more
Eating Red Meat Will Not Increase Colorectal Cancer Risk, Study Suggests (June 13, 2007) — Recent studies published in the journal Cancer Science have disproved the common myth that consumption of red meat increases colorectal cancer risk. The study also found that consumption of fish and …  > read more
Moooooove Over, Chicken! — Study Shows Lean Red Meat Can Play A Role In Low-Fat Diet (July 2, 1999) — For years, physicians have avoided red meat when designing heart-healthy diets for their patients. Turns out that’s a bum steer, according to a study published in the June 28 issue of the …  > read more


Future of Food

This is a telling and provocative movie that skillfully weaves
actualities with possibilities about where our food has come
from and will come from, in the future.

It is indisputable that owning all seed genomes and patenting
growth and distribution of food is hugely profitable. It is a good
“business decision” to dominate, even monopolize commodities
such as food or water, no matter the consequences affecting
the health and well being of the average citizen.

In fact, if control of food would engender health problems, it
could easily promote and spawn another extremely profitable
industry. Huge slates of new pharmaceuticals and medical
procedures that will heavily increase the “bottom line” to
stockholders and “subsidiaries.”

In these cases where monolithic companies seek to “own”
rights to essential commodities such as food, water, air,
fuel, there is no stopping them. That is, unless one is willing
to speak up and protect their right to live their own lives as
they see fit, which includes growing one’s own food,
buying from small local farmers who forego the chemicals,
toxins, poisons, pesticides and gmo (genetically modified)
that are exceedingly profitable.

It seems that freedom comes at a price. For those who wish
to dominate, profit and control, will stop at nothing to secure
their position.

If man is willing to kill for $20, what will he be willing to do
for billions?


Farmers Market Legal News

Regarding No More Backyard Farming, Home Gardening,
Farmers Markets, Fruit or Vegetable Stands
Information Provided as a Courtesy


Update 6:32 PM 3/9/2009 – Chart of Representatives Below

Please read the bills yourself and draw your own conclusions. We have not read the bills in their entirety, so we cannot accurately comment as to the veracity of those who are either for or against these bills.

However, if there is any terminology the impedes free market growing and raising of natural organic produce in home back yards or small farms, please let us know.

We have provided links below to the full text of the bills as they currently stand. These links are for your convenience.

The information below has been collected by friends and colleagues. If you have anything to contribute or advise us on, please email us at  Thank you!

The following bills propose increased regulation on all farming, growing and producing of foodstuffs to the degree that many, if not all small farmers and growers will be unable to afford and/or meet said guidelines.

This would essentially allow for large agra-businesses to take over full production and eliminate small local growers.

This could potentially also affect "backyard" growers and gardeners as well.

Please draw your own conclusions. We look forward to hearing from you with your input.


Links to the Actual Bills with Complete Text

HR 875

S 435


Update: 5:46 PM 3/9/2009
Information Provided by
the National Independent Consumers and Farmers Association

WHAT: Congressional Hearing on NAIS
WHEN: Wednesday, March 11
WHERE: Washington, DC

The U.S. House Agriculture Subcommittee on Livestock, Dairy and Poultry will hold a hearing on NAIS on March 11. Bills to put NAIS into law, HR875 and companion Senate S814, are being pushed through Congress, as well as an Appropriations Bill with funding for NAIS. This hearing is critical to blocking mandatory NAIS.

ACTION: Please call and fax all members of the subcommittee (below). 1. When you call, ask to speak to the legislative aide for agriculture. Form a positive relationship with the aide. Become his or her source of knowledge for NAIS. Be RESPECTFUL and POLITE. Remember, who would the aide rather speak with, someone who is courteous or someone angry and resentful?

2. Please send this to everyone you know, ESPECIALLY to people in the states with members on the subcommittee. Members need to hear from their constituents–the people who vote them into office.

If you are in one of these states, please arrange a meeting with the district representative of the Congressman. That makes a big difference. We need to be real people to the legislators, so that when they think "farm" or "food" they think of us, not Monsanto, Cargill, Tyson, etc…

If your state is not listed below, click HERE to easily find your representatives:

State Party/
Representative Phone Fax Website email form
AL R-13 Mike Rogers 202.225.3261 202.226.8485 Go to Form
CA D-18 Dennis Cardoza 202.225.6131
202.225.0819 Go to Form
CA D-20 Jim Costa 202.225.3341 202.225.9308 Go to Form
CA D-43 Joe Baca 202.225.6161 202.225.8671 Go to Form
CO D-4 Betsy Markey, 202.225.4676 202.225.5870 Go to Form
GA D-13 David Scott (Chair) 202.225.2939 202.225.4628 Go to Form
IA D-3 Leonard Boswell 202.225.3806 202.225.5608 Go to Form
IA R-5 Steve King 202.225.4426 202.225.3193 Go to Form
ID D-1 Walt Minnick 202.225.6611 202.225.3029 Go to Form
MD D-1 Frank Kratovil 202.225.5311 202.225.0254 Go to Form
NE R-3 Adrian Smith 202.225.6435 202.225.0207 Go to Form
PA D-17 Tim Holden 202.225.5546 202.226.0996 Go to Form
TN R-1 David P. Roe 202.225.6356 202.225.5714 Go to Form
TX R-11 K. Michael Conaway 202.225.3605 202.225.1783 Go to Form
TX R-19 Randy Neugebauer,
Ranking Minority Member
202.225.9615 Go to Form
VA R-6 Bob Goodlatte, 202.225.5431 202.225.9681 Go to Form
WI D-8 Steve Kagen 202.225.5665 202.225.5729 Go to Form


Get in touch with local farmers and food producers by attending a local farmers market and asking them how business is.

Attend a local WAPF meeting, this is a good start to learning about what is going on in farming and local & state initiatives .

The website is

Check out the Farmers Legal Defense Fund at

Find out who sits on your states agriculture and farming committee and contact them with your concerns. Continue to contact your elected officials and let them know your position on legislation and why. Get active at the local and state levels; this is the quickest way to initiate change.

Published on:
March 8, 2009 at 9:36 pm
